Tamar Barbash smiling with the ocean behind her

As a breakup and divorce coach, I help you find ways to look forward with confidence instead of with sadness and regret.

Breakups and divorces do not equal failure.

I believe that life is made up of chapters, and breakups and divorces merely signify the ending of one of these chapters.

More importantly, they signify the new beginning of the next one.

At New Beginnings, I help you move away from the grief and the sadness of loss, and help you refocus your energy forward, toward all the opportunity that comes with a fresh start.

Hi! I’m Tamar Barbash, an accredited breakup and divorce coach dedicated to getting you through the end of your relationship and onto the next chapter of your life.

Having been through several difficult breakups, including a marriage separation after 13 years, I understand how painful and difficult it can be when a relationship ends.

I started New Beginnings to help you get over the hump that’s keeping you stuck, and work through the complications that can come from a breakup or divorce, especially when there are children involved.


“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”